Painting on Bags or Small Canvases Holiday gift ideas
Fall Colors
Landscape Shadows
Pumpkin Playfulness
Wild & Wonderful Animal Interpretations
Iconic Napa Valley
Outing to Dr. Sam Gittings' Amazing Farm
Animated Animals I created backgrounds for many of these images. Some busy and some very calm. Folks pick a photo of their favorite animal and painted on top of the background. Some added to the background and had fun with the concept. It brings a smile to my face!
Still Life from Life
From the Farm
Surrealism I am turning a new direction in the class concept. My students trust me
enough to follow my lead and now is the time for a major shift in their
Even for the newbies as I call them. The class had inspirational images to
help guide them like birds and flowers and some faces yet they had to sketch
their own vision and paint in the colors of their choice.
Well just look at them FLY!
Earth Tones with Patterns and Faces
Angels In Honor of the passing of my Dear Friend Kate Canon we painted Angels. She would have loved these images. The Friday Class did something unique and I am so proud of them for their
willingness to stretch. They sketched their angel out of their imagination
and then painted the piece.
Form, Figure & Face This is the first of July Form, Figure and Face classes and though it was a struggle for some, the results were lovely.
Color, Color, Color
About a year ago I saw this painting on Daily Paint Works (which is a site I have my work on) The Class worked off my piece on Friday exclusively and Wednesday a few chose to work off Maryanne's Piece
Maryanne Jacobsen Inspiration Piece
Jessel Miller Homage to Maryanne Jacobsen
Gardens and Cottages
Clotheslines on Sta Wet
Thinking Inside the Box
One Image, Two Palettes
Barns & Shadows
Ocean Miniatures
Lavender Fields
Honoring Van Gogh Notice that Van Gogh's brushwork tends to follow the form of what he was
painting. Think of how the sunlight radiates, how the ground undulates, how
the foliage grows, etc. He painted with thick and very deliberate strokes of
Animals - Abstracted and Real
Palette & Putty Knife Class
Triptychs Learning the art of painting a triptych
Windows in Trees
Light Through the Trees
Abstract Figurative Learning to paint abstract figures on Sta Wet Sheets
Under Painting - Part II
Under Painting With graded wash sky and primary colors to mix all colors (using big brush) then palette knife for the sky.
Mixing Primary Colors Using only 3 colors: RED BLUE AND YELLOW, Black and White
Misty Moments
Vibration This class was focused on smooth edges and drifting one color into another. The vibration of energy a piece creates is all in the balance of light and dark.