Proceeds from the sale of New York Spirit Angel go to FIRST RESPONDERS in NEW YORK
To order call 707-257-2350 or go to our online store
New York Spirit This piece came from a tiny face I saw amidst the rubble and chaos. I find the correct direction when I see something that stirs me and I feel at ease going forward. This was just an eye and white paint and slowly the Universal Child rose from the paper (see image to the right). This is the New York Spirit Angel. All my prayers are directed at the healing of the epicenter of the Pandemic of 2020. |
They are dying alone.
This is the calm, quiet voice in the night helping us face our fears and sorrows. The Purest Child of Goodness and Light here for all of us.
Angel Spirit leads us to a sanctuary of Silent Relaxation and Peace.
My inner voice tells me to look deeply into the paper and slowly eliminate the debris until the message is clear.
We are all one family for the first time in my lifetime. I am so grateful knowing YOU are out there.
I hold your heart in my heart and send my New York Angel to console and soothe your Spirit.
Jessel Miller Story by Sasha Paulson of the Napa Register